Discount ski days are the best. We were able to ski twice in a week. Once for ward ski night (actually our old ward in Providence, we still get invited), and our awesome homeschool ski day. Ross did awesome and as for the girls-well they were never around long enough for a picture. Skiing with friends is super fun. Jared and I swapped turns watching Tate and then getting out on the mountain. Molly and her friend let me ski with them a bit but everyone else was too fast and way too cool. Jared and I decided we are just going to go on a date and then we can ski together just like our dating days. Well, maybe a little slower and more cautious, at least for me. I did take a lesson on Monday and realized I am still a pretty good skier, just a little chicken. The thoughts of being hurt are a bit different 6 kids and 30 pounds later.

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